If you live in on campus housing, you will be moved to a designated quarantine space and will be contacted by Student Health Center staff. You are unvaccinated and have been in close contact (within 6 feet of someone for a cumulative total of 15 minutes or more over a 24-hour period) with someone who has COVID-19. You can also email to request additional assistance. If you see this clearance status, please submit your documentation immediately to your MyWesternHealth portal. WARNING: You will not be allowed to participate in any on campus activity including attending classes. You do not have either (1) proof of COVID Vaccination or (2) an approved medical or religious COVID Vaccine Waiver on record.

#Wwu timetable code
If you do not respond or do not obtain your COVID test in a timely manner, you will be in violation of Western’s Student Code of Conduct. You will be contacted by Western’s COVID Support team to ensure your compliance with this requirement.
#Wwu timetable registration
WARNING: If you are overdue on your weekly COVID testing requirement, you will not be allowed to participate in any on campus activity including attending classes. For more information or for registration assistance, Western's Academic Advising Center is open from 8:00 am to 5:00 pm daily. Your COVID Clearance status will convert to “Cleared” as soon as you receive your COVID test. You have an approved medical or religious COVID Vaccine Waiver, but you are overdue on your weekly COVID testing requirement. If you fail to keep your lab test updated your clearance status will change to “Overdue” and you will see a yellow color for the background UNVACCINATED STUDENTS - Overdue on Weekly COVID Testing Attendance at the Winter Advising & Registration program is required for new first-year and Running Start students.The program is the opportunity for students to receive academic advising, assistance in preparing for course registration, and register for winter quarter classes. NOTE: Your clearance status will show when your next COVID test is due. You have an approved medical or religious COVID Vaccine Waiver and are up to date on your weekly COVID testing requirement. These forms are good for the entirety of your experience with the Student Health Center and only need to be completed once. The very first time you schedule an appointment with the Student Health Center, you will be asked to fill out a few consent forms. UNVACCINATED STUDENTS - Up to Date on Weekly COVID Testing Please wait and try again later to schedule your appointment. Your status will remain green/cleared for the rest of the year. You have submitted your completed COVID Vaccine Card. What does my Clearance Status mean? VACCINATED STUDENTS Hit the "Show Badge" button to see your COVID Clearance Pass. When you log into MyWesternHealth, your home page will display the option to see your COVID Clearance Pass and will signal a color based on whether you are current on your COVID-19 requirements.

This policy requires that you have submitted either (1) proof of COVID Vaccination or (2) an approved medical or religious COVID Vaccine Waiver. This tool in your MyWesternHealth patient portal tracks your compliance with Western’s COVID Vaccine Policy.